Athletes Cope with no Fall Season

The coronavirus has sidetracked many events. One of those being, sports. Since the beginning of March in school and out of school athletes have not been able to play sports like they usually do. This means cancelled practices, games and tournaments. 

The approach of what would have the Fall season for high school leaves many students at a loss. The sports that occur in the fall are: Water Polo, Golf, Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, and Tennis.    

For some students the fall season was the only season that they played in. Junior, Sydney Gerety reflects back on what she misses most about being able to play. “The thing I miss most about fall sports are my teammates. I played varsity tennis freshman year and it really helped me open up and make new friends. I love being part of a team and working together on and off the field or court.” said Gerety.  

Another aspect of sports that has been put on hold is being offered or scouted for a scholarship. Senior, Emma Chally who has been playing on the girls varsity Tennis team for four years, explains the struggles of not being able to sign to a school. “I was considering possibly playing tennis for a smaller school, but with the current situation I have most likely decided against it because of the new challenges of the season being pushed back and that interfering with possible recruitment.“ said Chally.  

Since the virus and now the fires have made it more than difficult to start practicing or training Chally explains how she has been staying fit and still practicing on their game. “I have been training a little since it is possible to do so with a no contact sport, like tennis, while staying safe at the same time. I have been practicing a lot less than normal because of my lack of motivation stemming from the possibility that we won’t return.“ said Chally.  

The CIF has announced that they plan on all sports starting next semester. In which there will be some overlap in the sports if they return. “I plan on playing tennis in the spring. I’m overdue to get back on the court, with quarantine and knee surgeries holding me back. I haven’t played tennis on a team since freshman year. I’m hopeful to get back on the lacrosse field.“ said Gerety.   

It will also be different for most fall athletes to become accustomed to the new aspects of playing in the spring. This includes weather, overcrowding of fields and courts due to multiple sports going on. 

“I don’t think that it will be extremely different playing tennis in the spring because I usually play year round. It will be different to play in the heat, but I’m excited to see what’s to come,” said Gerety.

Many students hope that all sports can make a quick and safe return for the second semester. If Sacramento continues to decline in cases the possibility of training and conditioning for sports is a definite possibility.