Solo Senior Brenna Thomas Shines on Lacrosse Team

in CiefAs an original member of the women’s lacrosse team, Brenna Thomas takes the field this year as the only senior.
Thomas started playing lacrosse as a sophomore when the program was first introduced to the school, she decided to try out after hearing about the sport from her cousin who played for three years in high school.
“I was a little nervous to try out because everyone was a freshmen who was new to the sport and I was a little older,” said Thomas.
She struggled at first, but with experience playing other sports like soccer, she was able to adapt to lacrosse quickly. “I think lacrosse is probably my favorite sport that I’ve played because it’s a combination of a lot of sports and it’s so different,” said Thomas.
Outside of school Thomas enjoys journaling, hanging out with friends, and running or just being active in general because of lacrosse.
The lacrosse team has only been around for three years and other schools have had lacrosse teams for eight. “It’s a little intimidating going into games this year with other schools having multiple seniors, but I’m friends with a lot of the juniors so it’s good to have them on the team,” said Thomas.
Thomas is excited to be the only senior on the team because she wants to make an impact for the team and is excited to give advice and help out her younger teammates. Thomas enjoys her teammates and says the team is very close because everyone is so new to the sport. She says that she hears a lot of other high school sports have groups among the team, but with lacrosse they all bond and are super close which is why Thomas encourages people to join lacrosse.
“My advice for freshmen would be to try out lacrosse because it’s a fun sport and it’s a great way to make new friends,” said Thomas.
Thomas hangs out with her lacrosse friends outside of school and they’ve become really close because of this sport.
The team has had different coaches throughout the three years and the program is pretty small, but it has grown more and more each year. They first started out with a coach from the bay area, which was arranged by a mom of a freshman who wanted to start a program for her daughter.
“It’s difficult to get into lacrosse at first because it’s hard to even pick up the ball, but once you get into it, it’s really fun and I recommend more people to join,” said Thomas.
In college, she hopes to go to Monterey state where she hopes to travel and study abroad in a different country. Thomas aspires to continue to play lacrosse as a club sport in college, if they offer it.