Sutherland Heading to Fresno State

Senior Matthew Sutherland committed to Fresno State this summer after playing competitive golf for six years.

Following his commitment, Sutherland traveled throughout Northern California for several tournaments. In June he competed in Stockton.

“I was four shots back going into the day and ended up winning by six,” said Sutherland. “It was the best round of golf I’ve ever played. Every putt I looked at went in.”

Despite winds of 30 miles per hour, Sutherland placed first by six points.

Later that month, Sutherland played in an American Junior Golf Association event in Reno. He birdied on two of the last three holes and finished fifth in the tournament.

In July, Sutherland won the Big I State Championship in 10 strokes. This victory qualified him for the national championship in South Carolina.

Sutherland is following in his father and uncle’s footsteps by playing for Fresno State. His father went on to play professional golf on the PGA Tour until 2008 and his uncle still plays today on the Champions Tour.

Sutherland will be keeping a family tradition by going to Fresno; both his father and uncle played golf there.

In September Sutherland will be playing in the First Tee Open at Pebble Beach, which will be televised.