Raiders to Face New Teams in League

Some school sports teams have moved up a division from D III to D II and are facing tougher competition in a reconfigured Capital Athletic League.

The other teams in the Division are Christian Brothers, Vista del Lago, Capital Christian, Sacramento, El Camino, Del Campo, and Woodcreek.

This change means tougher competition for the playoffs, with more skilled opponents.

Sports, such as tennis and swim, that have won their leagues for years are no longer the guaranteed champions in their competition.

Swimmer Jared Moisey said he “is incredibly excited about the new league because now we will have real competition.”

The Raiders have won the league swim title 16 years in a row.

D II has higher performing teams, and as a result the road to playoffs will be filled with more competition than in recent history.

The whole school is not being affected. The school as a whole and almost every sports team, are staying in D III.

Swim and Cross Country are among the sports affected by this change. The swim team has won champs 16 years in a row, and many swim team members are excited about the prospect of facing more challenging teams.

“I think the swim meets are going to be more entertaining because there is going to be more competition,” said senior Chase Iseley. “It’s not going to be a sweep like last year.”

Last year the team won every dual meet and every meet in League. This is no small feat, but the team has been winning the division for years. Due to their performance record, they will now compete in the higher caliber of D II.

The cross country team has almost won sections for the past couple years, and their performance was enough to move the team up a division. “We should have walked away with the section title last year, but because of unfortunate injuries before sections we couldn’t quite pull it off,” said Connor Ettinger, a runner for the varsity team