JV Softball

This year’s JV Softball team will not be striking out this season with their new coaches, Rob Hernandez, Jacob Lethum, and Dan Mckechnie. They teach the excited team new techniques for the new season.

“I think the biggest improvement that we made this season are the new coaches,” said sophomore pitcher Alyssa Christopher. “They definitely make all of us enjoy playing the game a lot more.”

With brand new fields coaches are worried about playing on them due to how much rain there has been during the season. The cleats that the players wear will tear up the grass along with the dirt if they are wet. Rainy days may cause practices and or games to be canceled, but if the team decides to play in the rain it will surely be a muddy and wet one. The bases may also become extremely slippery if it does rain and it may cause players to slip on them which can be extremely dangerous.

This season the softball team was lucky enough to be playing on a brand new field, which the team is thrilled about.

Although the team did not have bleachers during the beginning part of their season it did not stop family and friends from coming out and supporting the team.

“The new fields were a huge contribution that the team is extremely grateful for,” said Christopher.

Although, junior varsity sports are ineligible to play in the playoffs, the amazing group of young women are hoping to be the best in their league.

Along with the teams new players the teams veterans are just as excited about making this season great. The team sings and dances to loud music while they are warming up for their games. The team has a inspiring bond and they are all always trying to help out their other teammates if they need help, or simply saying that it is okay even if one of their teammates makes a mistake.

“When I made my first mistake while playing shortstop, everyone ran up to me and gave me high fives and said that it was okay,” said Christopher.

The team is full of young talent and have a great time together that makes their season even more memorable.

“The best part about this season so far was when Alyssa hit a grandslam,” said freshman Shoshie Kurzrock.

No matter what the win and loss count is the talented team will still have fun. New coaches, a new field, and great players is a great combination for one amazing season.