Golf Summary


Although golf is often regarded as a calm sport that requires little cardiovascular stamina, it actually requires extreme levels of coordination and precision.

This year the golf team placed second in league, losing only twice during the season leading to the team qualifying for the masters competition.

Junior Matthew Sutherland’s technique and dedication paid off this season.

“I got a four and under in league,” Sutherland said.

But the team is not just focused on winning and breaking personal records. The social aspect of making friends and meeting new people is an important component as well.

“I always enjoy Ancil Hoffman course because it is relaxed and I have a lot of friends out there,” Sutherland said.

To Sutherland, the golf team has become an extended family.

“My favorite memory from this year was having fun with the boys at our overnight tournament,” Sutherland said.

There will not be anymore teeing up this season, but the team hopes to come back even stronger next year and is looking for new players.

“Even if you are not a great golfer, it is super relaxed and it is enjoyable,” Sutherland said.

Since golf is both a team and an individual sport, it promotes self-growth while fostering friendships. As golf is currently a no-cut team, it could be worth the while to consider becoming involved as it is a great way to befriend others and master a tricky sport.