Women’s Basketball Looks to Grow

With the end of fall sports, winter sports are officially here.

Women’s basketball is one of the winter sports and they are hoping for a great season.

The coaches are hoping to be able to have a lot of girls to come and try out so that they can have a Freshman and JV team instead of combining them.

In recent years the Freshman teams have been extremely small so they’re looking for a much better turnout this year.

The teams will have returning coaches Shawn Steck (Varsity), Randy Ricci (JV), and newcomer Anton Escay as a assistant JV coach.

The season started on Nov. 6 and the JV and Freshman coach are still open to letting girls come out and try out.

Varsity’s first game was on Nov.27 at Dixon high school at 6 p.m, and JV has a tournament at Cordova High School on Nov. 30 at 4 p.m.

“I think it’s going to be a successful season because a lot of the girls on the team have the drive to succeed and do well,” said JV player Alyssa Escay.

The varsity team has a roster of 13 girls and two underclassmen Sydney Kringel and Katelyn Kamilos on the team as sophomores.

“It’s definitely an experience and I enjoy playing up on the higher level, it will help me in the future. It’s definitely challenging and takes a lot of hard work,” said Kamilos when asked about her experience so far on Varsity.

Practices are held six days a week from after school to 5:30 for Freshman and JV and after them varsity practices until 7:00.

The JV team also has a roster of 13 girls.

“I’m looking forward to all of us working together, I feel like we already have a good bond even though the season only started a few weeks ago,” said Escay.

The varsity seems to have a good bond between the lower and upper class men.

“I really do think we have a good bond, it’s a mixture of seniors, juniors and sophomores so we don’t all know each other that well but we are definitely growing closer as a team,” said Kamilos.

Both teams hope to have an amazing season and grow as individual players and as a team.