Softball Field to Get an Upgrade

Renovations and additions have been popping up all over campus so it won’t come as a surprise that the softball field is being totally redone. The athletic fields including the football field, soccer field, all the baseball fields and softball field have been needing an update for awhile.

The district has granted eight million in grant money to update and improve the athletic facilities.

The first to be renovated of the outdoor fields are the softball fields. Next year a turf field will be put in and will be used by the soccer program as well as the football program.

The district seems to be taking turns updating the athletic fields around the district, starting with El Camino a few years ago and this year it was Casa Robles getting a much needed update.

“It’s great for the softball program that they are getting a new complex, but it has raised some issues for soccer,” said senior Jacob Osecheck. “Having six teams play in the same season makes it difficult enough to find field space but when you add construction on top of that, the whole situation turns into a nightmare.”

The construction takes the space of the second soccer field and this has lead to concerns about the frosh team being able to have field space to practice and play games.

The frosh teams are having to practice on the JV baseball field behind the tennis courts due to no space being available on the varsity soccer field or football field.

In progress right now is the renovation of the softball field, plus the addition of a second softball baseball hybrid field. The addition of the extra softball field is taking the place of the second soccer field which was thrown together last year.

The fields were thrown together for extra space since the seasons of boy’s and girl’s soccer changed to the winter, which means six teams were using the soccer fields at one time.

Now all six soccer teams will have to share the varsity soccer field and the football field.

“I’m so excited to see the final project of the softball fields,” said sophomore Alyssa Christopher. “This is a big step for the upcoming season for everyone to see how all of us girls love and cherish this sport.” Christopher has been playing softball as a pitcher and shortstop for nine years now.

To many of the softball players this is a long time coming, the fields were in desperate need of repair.

The softball team will be getting a brand new field as well as a much needed update on the current field.

The immediate effects of the construction has lead to a longer walk for the soccer players as they have to walk through the overflow parking lot and along American River drive to arrive at the fields.