Girls Soccer Team Dominant in Early Matches

Photo By Ed Mahon

Sophomore Maddie Burns fights off a St. Francis opponent in the 3-1 win.

Women’s Varsity soccer has just begun and the ladies are ready for a great season. Smiley has done a good job preparing her players for this winter season.

With Miss Smiley as the team’s coach they have a great advantage because she has played soccer most of her life. “Because Coach Smiley has coached in the past, she understands what it takes to win and knows what to expect from each team and coach” said varsity player Maddy Burns.

Before the official season started the team had a lot of conditioning and practicing to give them a boost for the season. “She demands hard work at practices and wants us to put 100% effort. She has high expectations for this team and expects us to meet them” said Burns.

Last year they were at the top of the standings, some wins some losses but overall a good season. This season one of their top goals was to beat one of their fiercest competitors, Saint Francis High School, which they beat 3-1.

Saint Francis was very hard to tear down but they didn’t give up.

They have several games coming up and each player gets a chance to play during this exciting season. Burns said, “I am most excited to see if we win sections and go undefeated.”