CIF Eases Rules for Transfer Students

Although written during the date provided, this article was republished during 2020 by Nicolas Gorman to put it on the website. The author is unknown.


Student athletes who change schools without changing residence will be eligible to play after sitting out 30 to 35 days, under a new transfer policy approved by the California Interscholastic Federation earlier this month.
Under the former rule, students who transferred without moving were ineligible for play for one year unless they received a hardship waiver. Motivated by the increasing number of transfers and by expensive legal challenges from families of students not granted a waiver, the CIF’s Federated Council approved the rule change by a 114-21 vote on May 4. The new rule will be effective July 7th.
The CIF spent $2.8 million in legal fees and liability insurance the past three years and transfer requests rose 38 percent from 2007-08 to 2010-11, according to a news release.
Students interviewed for this article support the change.
”I think it’s fair because there has to be some aspect of discipline, but at the same time I’m sure there’s nothing worse than waiting to do something you love” said junior Mark Ledbetter.
Critics of the rule change contend it will open the door to “free-agency,” allowing athletes to switch schools in order to participate in a better program. But students did not see that as a problem.
Students who transfer without moving residence would become eligible Oct. 1 for fall sports, Dec. 31 for winter sports, and April 1 for spring sports.
Section officials speculate that making an athlete sit out a portion of the season, would be discouraging enough to prevent a majority of athletes from transferring for athletic reasons.
The policy will be revisited after one year.