Senior Showcase Shutdown

The PTSA has lost an estimated $25,000 due to the cancellation of the 2019 Senior Showcase. The showcase has been canceled because of the low enrollment in the event.

The event brought in about 50 percent of the PTSA’s budget, and now the  teachers are going to have to cut back on PTSA spending.

Only 21 of the 45 applications needed were turned in on Dec. 20. The stress of finals were piling up, and seniors were more concerned about their academics than signing up for extracurricular activities.

Even though 71 people were signed up on the Remind app to receive messages about the showcase, there was only one event where sign-ups were encouraged: the senior picnic.

A booth was set up at the senior picnic to sign up for the showcase giving students a one time chance to sign up in person. Whereas at school, people in student government spend time at lunch encourage people to sign up for the blood drive, the senior trip, the “un-talent show,” and other events almost every day. If the school did something like this to advertise for the showcase they might have  gotten more sign ups.

Although there were messages posted about the showcase on the school website, there was little communication to the students. There was one event to sign up in person and then one meeting to talk about permission slips and the theme. After that there were three remind text messages sent to remind people to turn in their permission slips.

If you didn’t sign up or go to the meeting, there was little opportunity to even know that a show was happening.

There was no knowledge of what the show entailed and that deterred people from signing up.