Arming Teachers

After decades of horrendous gun violence on school campuses causing helpless, innocent students and faculty to lose their lives, many have begun considering arming teachers to keep schools safe.

In light of the Parkland school shooting that occurred almost a year ago causing the death of 17 students and staff, many think a solution to events like these would be to arm teachers so they have a chance to fight back.

On the contrary, others think this is a foolish idea.

Some feel like arming teachers with loaded weapons puts students, and the teachers themselves in danger which is an opinion that everyone should agree on.

Not all teachers have the correct knowledge of having a gun: how to use or even where to keep it, and the gun could easily end up in the possession of  the wrong person.

There were countless stories of wrongful and accidental death and injuries from gun accidents, and having firearms in a school environment with children of all ages is a recipe for disaster.

Many people feel as though this might be the only solution to protection from hanneous violent acts such as the Parkland shooting, Columbine high, Sandy Hook, and countless more events occurring on school campuses.

Since the latest major gun attack on a school campus there’s been little to no change in gun laws allowing for young people to be able to obtain these weapons and use them for evil.

It should not be easier to obtain a gun than it is to get birth control, but that is the sad truth in this nation.

People should have to go through intensive background checks and classes before they’re even considered for approval to get a gun.

Having guns on school campuses in the possession of teachers can also take away from the learning aspects of the classroom, and interfere with students concentration.

People should have to go through intensive background checks and classes before they’re even considered for approval to get a gun. Also, guns like AR-15s and AK-47s should not be accessible to anyone in the public.

To improve the environment of American schools, we can’t combat guns with more guns. Arming school teachers is not the answer to improve school safety.

School should be a safe environment where students and faculty shouldn’t have to worry about having a deadly weapon. Guns should be less accessible to people and that would help start America on the path to improving its schools.