Sophomore License

Sophomore year is the time where most teenagers are looking to get their license or at least a permit.

The hassle of trying to find rides to get to school, social events, and sports gets tiring so having a license gives relief to teens and their parents.

This was the reason for many students getting their license as soon as they could.

The class of 2020 is one class that are definitely eager to get their license as soon as possible.

“I wanted to get my license as soon as I could because I wanted more freedom,” said Sophomore Jack Pallesen.

Pallesen was one of the first of his friends to get his license, being one of the oldest in his class.

Pallesen was able to get his license on Sep.21 and has had his license for most of sophomore year.

Another popular reason for students getting their licenses was not having to depend on parents, “I didn’t have to depend on my parents driving me places anymore,” says Sophomore Shantal Ocampo. Ocampo passed her drivers test on Jan. 22.

Not only does it allow students to have more freedom it, but also eliminates stress, especially for parents. Parents now have another driver in the house making it easier to get their children where they need to be.

“I decided to take my driving test right on time, with school, sports, and siblings, my parents needed the extra hand for carpool”, said sophomore Alyssa Christopher.

The majority of the 2020 class plants to get their license right away, but about 15% of sophomore students are waiting until they are older to get their license.

Although getting your license is fun and exciting, it has many responsibilities. Some students do not want to get their license because they do not want more responsibility.

“I had a summer job, swim, cheer, and babysat so there wasn’t really enough time for me to get a permit, even in the summer when I had no school work,” said Sophomore Lizzy Ortiz.

Before even getting your permit, students must take an online course which will provide them with the basics of the road. At the end of the course each student will have to take a test proving that they know the rules of the road.

After students pass the permit test they must take a behind the wheel class with a driving instructor to make sure that they are safe to drive on the road. Six months later students are now able to take the test to get their license.

The permit test consists of many questions, but sadly you are only allowed to miss eight. The test is most likely administered on a computer but upon request students can take it in paper form.

Although many students think that you can drive whomever you want as soon as you get your license but in reality students legally have to wait one year before driving non family members.

Acquiring a license before turning 18 comes responsibilities, but the decision teenagers have to make is whether it is worthwhile.