Combo Classes Feed Our Brains

Do you ever get really stressed writing essays for multiple classes on the same day? What if you had a combination of two classes in one? What if your history teacher knew that your English teacher was assigning an essay and, because of that, he didn’t give you another one? What if your English and history classes were combined? You could be passing English and history with the same grade.

The school offers two classes such as this: U.S. History and English 3 taught by William Taylor and Jolynn Mason, and World History and English 2 with Christyn Thomas and Teresa Tolbert.

We should combine more classes this way. Teach and make the connections for students to the real world by combining different subjects.

Even though it is hard to combine classes for a whole semester, classes can combine for units.  With P.E. and physics for example, students could run and do a speedometer lab with sprinting people instead of remote control cars.

Mr.Taylor recommends the class, saying, “We reach across a lot of levels and abilities but also there’s an interest we have in both of our subjects that we want to give the kids not in History and English, but in History-English.” Even he believes that the subjects are taught better together.

Unfortunately, the only Combo class we currently have is U.S. History and English 3, we should have another one that’s AP US History and AP Language Arts. If we did that, then all the students that are in the honors and A.P. programs could receive the benefits of a combo class.

But if it’s really working out for history and English, let’s combine other classes too. The teachers want to do it. Ms. Mason said, “You could tie English into anything but I think particularly science because you could do some cool things, like Frankenstein. It raises some ethical questions in science, but it’s an English novel.”


Every December or so, Spanish teacher Michael Carroll gets together with the Physical Education department to teach a Spanish dance lesson. It satisfies the P.E. curriculum because it is a variation of dance P.E. students need to learn and it satisfies the Spanish curriculum because it teaches Spanish students about the Latin American culture.

Industrial Arts and Math, Art and History, anything can be taught together.

Last year, Josh Murray and the band joined forces with Phil Montbriand and the Chemistry department to sing some chemical Christmas carols and put students at ease before finals and winter break. It was a finals review through song. That class combination had to have helped some kids.

I think we should combine more classes together. The two classes we have right now aren’t enough to make the district’s decision and it doesn’t help that they combined the same two subjects for sophomores and juniors (history and English). Let’s try and science and math class, or a woodshop and physics class. Let’s learn the fun way.