A student-created social media app that has raised concerns among students and parents because of anonymous cyberbullying and harassment on the platform has been taken down by its creator while he adds features he hopes will curb abuse.
The move came after the creator of the Only Social app met with Rio Americano High School Principal Cliff Kelly to discuss bullying on the platform.
Senior Evan Ah-Yun, the creator of the app, told the Mirada he has temporarily disabled it while he works on improving the moderation features to reduce instances of harassment. He plans to relaunch the app once the changes are made, though the timeline for that is unclear.
Ah-Yun said that he had expected some inappropriate comments on an app that guarantees anonymity but did not “expect it to blow up as fast as it did.”
“I’m pulling it down to create something better aimed more at college students,” he said. “It’s a learning lesson for everyone. It comes to a moral perspective and to what you think is right. How can I do this differently?”
Rio students using the app quickly encountered bullying anonymous comments, including body shaming and false claims about being transgender.
“People I know have been intensely cyberbullied and shamed on this app,” one Rio senior, who asked to not be named, said. “It seems to spread hate and make people think it’s okay to say things that should never be tolerated. No one should be crying at school because they have been harassed online for just being who they are and without having done anything wrong.”
The app, which now has more than 12,000 users, offers complete anonymity by giving users a randomized username when they sign up. It offers private messaging and group chats, and users can join “channels” meant for discussion on various topics.
The controversial platform, available on the Apple App Store since March, is a “groundbreaking new app posed to revolutionize the social media landscape by offering a truly anonymous platform,” according to the official description.
As students began complaining about cyberbullying, Kelly met with Ah-Yun, but neither the school administration nor the district can take action because the app was created off campus and posts cannot be traced.
“Although we do not have any authority over the mobile app, I have met with the student to discuss concerns raised by students and community,” Kelly said in a robocall to Rio families.
The app has been restricted on the district’s Wifi network, though it can still be accessed from cellular networks while at school.
Tom • Sep 8, 2024 at 12:08 AM
Another Rio Americano student was very successful creating the social media app Snapchat.
David Kravitz was one of 3 brothers who attended Rio before going to Stanford.
Karina Brown • May 24, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Its pretty dissapointing that the app turned into place for so much cyberbullying to occur. I can imagine how sad it was for the developer as their hard was used for bad causes. I hope they add safety measures into the app soon and get it up and running again.
Dean • May 20, 2024 at 8:51 PM
It is quite sad how that the app ended up as mainly a place in which cyber bullying took place. I hope that the creator is successful in finding a way to bring the app back in a way through which cyber bullying can be avoided.
David • May 20, 2024 at 10:10 AM
It’s really sad that the app got used for cyber bullying, because even though I didn’t use it, it seems like an effective way for students to get their emotions across without fear of judgement. I hope that the creator is able to find a way to bring the app back without it being a much safer space so people can use it without having to see or feel any hate.
Grant E • May 19, 2024 at 11:50 PM
I installed the app before it was taken down and saw some of the cyberbullying first hand. It was horrible. It was not only people insulting other people about their weight, looks, or past social interactions, but some of the comments go so far as calling other students racial slurs. Although some of the other posts were lighthearted and funny, in this case, one bad apple ruins the bunch.
Volod • May 19, 2024 at 11:16 PM
I never used the app, but from what I saw and heard from others, it was used negatively. Hopefully, it’ll be reworked, and restrict the amount of cyberbullying that was on it to a minimum.
Mevi Perez • May 19, 2024 at 9:13 PM
Although some people may be victim to bullying, this app should be able to exist just as it is and without moderations on what people say. Anonymity allows people to express themselves in a true and raw way. They won’t have to water down their opinions or not say them at all in attempt to fit into the social norms of what is apparently okay or not okay to say or think, because they fear direct judgment. Users of this app can see what people truly think about certain topics without a filter in the way and better understand their community.
Katie H • May 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM
I think it’s really cool to see a Rio student being so innovative and actually creating something instead of wasting their on TikTok. I personally was never on the app but I heard many of my friends talking about it and thought it sounded like a cool idea in theory. It’s unfortunate how it became so negative so quickly, it could have been a good place for high school kids to connect without fears of judgement.
Samuel Chi • Apr 30, 2024 at 11:25 PM
I personally never had the app myself, but when I did see the content on it I was surprised by the amount of negative comments there were on the app.
kwin • Apr 29, 2024 at 7:22 PM
I found this app in its early stages to be a brilliant form of freedom of speech. I hope it expands and allows more students to connect on a platform not controlled by an outside source and moderated by members of the student body.
Charlie • Apr 23, 2024 at 1:37 PM
The app brought out a great platform for students to share a thought or reach out for help and not be judged. What it also brought was a platform for some disturbing content that should make some parents concerned about where society is going. It being a 17+ app in my house required approval to get access. I would know my kid had the app and would check the app history to confirm what kind of content my kid is posting about. The intent of the app has a place in our world today. Fear of being judged for your opinion or thought should not guide your response. The poor character of some content providers needs to be weeded out.
Lucas Connors • Apr 21, 2024 at 6:55 PM
I personally liked the app.
TF • Apr 21, 2024 at 8:47 AM
Although I am not surprised, knowing human nature, I still am heavily disappointed how people can take advantage of anonymity. This reminds me of Plato’s allegory: “The ring of Gyges.” A Shepard finds a ring that grants him invisibility and anonymity and then immediately, using this power, seduces the queen and kills the king to rule the kingdom. Many philosophers, from John Locke to Confucius, fiddled with this idea of morality, whether it is innate, a balance of natures, or externally enforced in some sort of way. I feel like if more people were familiar with philosophy, this issue may not have happened. I do not fault the creator not for seeing this, as I would have been blinded by excitement to share my creation with the world as well, but the people who are responsible for defiling his platform are horrible people, and I fault them to the fullest. I am disgusted by this behavior and I find it is sad that we have submitted to such destruction of morality due to lack of restriction.