Bill would require schools to adopt body-shaming policy

Bill would require schools to adopt body-shaming policy

Seeking to address a growing problem of kids with negative self image, a bill in the California Assembly would require school districts, county offices of education and charter schools to develop and adopt policies and resources about body shaming before the 2025–26 school year. 

The sponsor of the bill (AB-10), Josh Lowenthal, D-Long Beach, says that while district’s anti-bullying policies more is needed to be done to fight body shaming— criticizing or commenting on appearance in a way that often leads to harmful comparison and shame — which has spread alongside the explosion of social media in recent years.

“San Juan Unified currently doesn’t have a board policy specifically about body shaming. However, we do have a Bullying/Cyberbullying Prevention Policy,” Raj K. Rai, the district communications director, said in an email interview. “Additionally, the district’s Sexual Harassment regulations also prohibits ‘Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, or overly personal conversation.’”