Rick Singer and his accomplices await sentences

Rick Singer boasted he could get students into top-ranked college through the side door–a system that depended on bribes and lies about students’ athletic ability.

Corrupt college counselor and mastermind behind the nation’s biggest admission scandal, Rick Singer, is currently on trial for racketeering. 

Singer started his career in the 1990s and worked with students from Rio Americano and other schools in the Sacramento area. 

In 2019, Singer pleaded guilty to all charges, however, he has yet to be sentenced. 

Singer is now facing jail time and fines for the various crimes he committed while running his “side door” operation as a college counselor. 

Along with Singer, many of the people he cooperated with are waiting to be sentenced as well. 

Gamal Abdelaziz is facing 20 years in prison after he was accused of paying $300,000 to get his daughter into the University of Southern California.
John Wilson is also facing 20 years for paying $220,000 for his son to get into U.S.C. as a water polo player. 

Stanford sailing coach, John Vandemoer, spent one day in prison and six months on house arrest for passing checks from Singer to Stanford adding up to a total of $770,000. Vandemoer was fired from Stanford as well. 

Desperate Housewives star, Felicity Huffman, served 11 days in prison for paying $15,000 for fraudulent SAT scores. 

For additional information on Rick Singer and the college admissions scandal check out these articles:

College Scandal

Rick Singer, mastermind of the college admissions scandal, started at Rio

Operation Varsity Blues: The Disturbing Reality of College Admissions