Rio TV Profiles Departing Educators

Episode also includes the segment, “Seniors process an emotional year”

Robotics teacher Matt Cole is among the departing staff featured in a special segment on Rio TV.

At the end of the semster, several longtime members of the Rio Americano faculty will depart, some heading into retirement enticed by the districts buy-out offer, others moving on to new jobs.

Rio TV interviewed departing staff and those who have worked with them and learned from them.

Educators profiled in this special edition of Rio TV are: Principal Brian Ginter, who has been promoted to a district position; Robotics teacher Matt Cole, who has taken a position with the state Department of Education; and  biology teacher Stephen Kenyon, Spanish teachers Michael Carroll and Antonio Losada, ELD/ English Transition teacher Mirna Jope, study skills teacher Kerry Barlow, and physics teacher Dean Baird.

Also in this episode seniors process a challenging year.

Watch the Rio TV episode here.