Graduation speech opportunities now available

Seniors interested in addressing their classmates one final time at graduation on June 3 should start preparing now: it’s time for graduation speeches.

Students interested in delivering one of the two graduation speeches, either the Student Welcome Address or the Student Commencement Address, should contact Secretary Bonnie Bjorgum at [email protected] for information on the guidelines for the two speeches by Friday, April 16.

All speeches are due to Ms. Bjorgum’s office by April 22nd and students will be notified if they are chosen to audition on April 26.

Chosen students will audition on the afternoon of April 28 in Principal Ginter’s office and the two students selected to give speeches will be notified on April 30.

Students are required to work with a teacher or staff member to polish speeches and work on editing, but outside of mentoring requirements, students have the opportunity to express their creativity through unique speech styles and content.

Seniors interested in writing a graduation speech should contact Ms. Bjorgum with any questions.