Technology Support Available through San Juan Portal

The technology support tile as pictured in student's San Juan Portal.

The technology support tile as pictured in student’s San Juan Portal.

For almost a year, students have been taught in a distance learning format. With technology being so vital to the effectiveness of this format, San Juan has recently launched a new website to help students work out their technological issues. 

Students have faced several challenges while navigating through digital learning. Some of the most common challenges experienced were spotty wifi making it hard for students to get into meetings, audio issues preventing students from hearing or speaking to other students, Zoom not allowing students into meetings, etc. 

“I’ve experienced the most issues with my audio and un-mute features,” said junior Audrey Snider. “I also have been kicked out of my zooms a few times as well which is very frustrating.” 

San Juan has launched a website to help students solve these problems, which can be found by logging into the student portal and visiting the tab titled “Technology Support.” To log in to the website, all students have to do is use their school email and password. 

Once logged in, students can type their problems into a search bar titled “How Can We Help?” located on the home page, which will then direct them to different websites and resources that could be of use to them. 

“Navigating this website was really easy actually,” said junior Samantha Baccelli. “I just briefly looked at it because of minor issues but they had loads of different things that I could use to fix my problem.” 

If the resources provided didn’t help, students can create a ticket using the “Get Help” option. On this ticket, students will fill out all the information about the issue they’re experiencing and then submit it. Once students submit this, they will be able to view a timeline that tracks their ticket’s progress and when they will get a solution to their problem.


Moving forward, the hope is that this will be a helpful tool for students and will eliminate issues surrounding distance learning. Instructions on how to access the technology support website can be found here, along with other resources for students with distance learning.