Senior Creates Tutoring Service Amid Pandemic

Photo By Jubeen Park

Student tutors meet over Zoom once a month to discuss progress with helping younger students.

Distance learning has prompted many struggles in the classroom, for both teachers and students, but senior Jubeen Park decided to not let the virus get in the way of her little brother’s education.

After encountering difficulties in the first wave of online school in March, Park saw the need for extra help while students were away from the classroom.

“Younger kids would be struggling even more, especially because they need a lot of social interaction and need to learn the fundamentals of everything,” Park said. 

She took action and formed a program called, Tutorberry.

“I founded the Tutorberry organization during the summer of 2020 after our academic year ended. That was when I started realizing what kind of impact the pandemic was having on everyone’s education,” said Park. 

Jubeen Park founded Tutorberry this past summer as a nonprofit organization for students looking to volunteer in their community and for those in need of educational support.

The program is mainly based on the fact that everything has shifted to online learning. It also allows for students to become tutors as well.

“[It’s] completely online and connects high school tutors to elementary and middle school students,” said Park.  “The club is really just a small subdivision of our larger program, where we can give more focus to the tutors and aid them with any issues they may have.”

The program’s goal is to find students who find a passion. Board member and junior,  Jolie Barnard finds the club unique. 

“We encourage the other tutors to get to know one another and share their experiences and advice so they can all get better together,” said Barnard.   

Barnard enjoys being part of the club and reflects back on the progress it has made since it first began. 

 “So far, we have about 63 young students coming in for tutoring regularly, with 63 high school tutors to accommodate,” said Park. They tend to meet over zoom on the last Friday of every month. This is when they discuss how the club has been going along with answering any questions that members may have.

Park mentioned that the club has several benefitting aspects. The club allows high school students to gain volunteer hours from tutoring. While, parents of the younger children don’t have to go through the hassle to get their child the help they need.   

This may be helpful to students in certain programs such as Avid and Civitas to help meet their required hours. It is also a great way to gain learning experience if teaching or interacting with younger children is a career path that you’re interested in.  

While all clubs have shifted to an online basis, Park reflects on some of the challenges the club has had to overcome due to the Coronavirus. “Online tutoring has definitely been a challenge, but everyone makes the best of it on both ends…. The hardest part is that we can’t meet our kids in person and truly make a connection with them. It’s hard for both of us, and we can tell when they feel unmotivated and struggling,” said Park.  

While students may be having a hard time in online school, Park has provided an impactful service to those who need help or want to help.

For more information about Tutorberry, you can visit the Rio Americano club website or visit their Instagram profile @tutorberry. Sign up to volunteer or receive free tutoring services here.