Teens Find Ways to Stay Positive During Quarantine

Out of school and unable to see friends because of social distancing rules that are intended to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, many teens find it challenging to stay positive–but they are also rising to the challenge.

Sophomore Allison Reboin is no exception. 

“Some of the challenges that I have faced in the past couple of weeks have been not being able to see my friends, the rest of my family, and my dog that is staying at my grandmother’s house,” she said. 

But one month into the statewide shelter-in-place order, she’s tried a raft of activities to keep her spirits up. 

“I have done lots of baking, like making souffle pancakes, watched movies, done puzzles, played games, and watched three seasons of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ in only four days,” she said.

Rio Americano students, like Reboin, have been trying to stay optimistic and engaged by doing activities at their homes to stay busy throughout this quarantine. 

Junior Baily Broderick has joined a trend that has made jigsaw puzzles hotter commodities than toilet paper. 

“Some things I like doing to stay engaged during shelter in place are baking and doing puzzles,” said Broderick. “These activities keep me entertained and are a good alternative from watching TV and playing on my phone.”

Not all students are as concerned about finding an alternative to watching TV. However, all students who responded to the Mirada about how they stay positive while sheltering-in-place mixed binge watching with something more productive. 

“During this scary phase in my life, some of the things I have been doing to keep myself active and positive include morning runs and workouts I have found on youtube, as well as cooking and baking with my mom,” said senior Maddie Harris. “I must also include the mass amount of time I have spent on binge-watching my favorite Netflix shows, and the excessive amount of facetime calls with my friends to keep in touch. 

Exercise was a common theme in student responses. And with gyms being closed, student athletes and their less-active classmates have turned to at home workouts. 

“I have started doing online workout classes in order to stay in shape because my gym is not accessible at this time,” said junior Gianna Nocetti. “I have found that this also helps me be more productive with my school work because of the high that I get after working out.”

Many students take advantage of the American River Parkway, the 32-mile-long regional trail and nature area that runs behind the campus. 

“During this shelter and place I have been trying to stay productive with some school work and exercise,” said junior Mari Zimmerman. “I have gone on a few hikes but frequently bike with my mom along the American River,” said Zimmerman. “For me, staying productive and feeling accomplished with my day has helped me remain positive and helps me forget all the activities I’m missing out on.” 

Many students said what they miss most is being able to hang out with friends–or even just seeing classmates. But some students are finding more connections with their families, as they quarantine together. 

“The best way I’ve been staying positive and active during quarantine is doing things with my family,” said junior Tyler McGlynn. “Usually it’s doing puzzles with them, playing board games, or going out on the street to play volleyball with my brother. Also we’ve been using the hot tub a lot.”

 Art is a way for students to express their emotions, or just a way for them to fill their days in quertine with. 

“During quarantine, I like to cheer myself up by painting, said junior Vanessa Islas-Rangel. “So far I’ve started to paint the iconic hands from ‘The Creation of Adam’ on my bedroom wall.”

Others have taken the time to try new things or do things that they usually would not have time for. 

“During this shelter in place I have tried to do some of the things I always wish I had more time for. I have been reading a lot more, which is something I haven’t been able to do in years, and enjoying baking (mostly desserts), said junior Grace Montgomery. “I’m finding that I definitely need to go outside or be active once a day, so I’ve been going on some runs and lots of bike rides. It’s hard not to just sit around and let the days go by but I’m trying to find things that work for me.” 

In a time when bad news is constantly flowing through social media and news outlets, teens point out that it is important to still have a positive outlook to get through uncertain times. 

In her efforts to stay positive, Allison Reboin recognizes the challenges.

“It’s very unclear and unknown what life is going to be like for the next couple months. Hopefully, it won’t be as boring, because I’m running out of Melissa Mcarthy movies to watch.”


Tyler McGlynn (11) 

In the past few weeks, I have found myself occupying my days with peaceful walks in nature and an endless stream of inspirational workout videos (I highly recommend Popsugar Fitness for full body workouts, especially their cardio activities). As for nature, this has been such a great time to get outside and get moving. Nature calms me down and makes me smile and helps me to stay positive. The one other activity that has been extremely beneficial to me has been being able to sleep in a bunch more. I have made up for so much lost sleep of the past years during this time!

Charla Long (11)

I’ve been watching a lot of movies, working on my list of over 700. It’s really good to pass time and I probably won’t be running out of things to do anytime soon. I haven’t really been staying engaged or active but I’m at least staying inside.

Susannah Swindel  (10)

To stay positive during quarantine, I enjoy going on walks with family and friends (staying 6 feet apart). This allows me to have social time while following the social distancing requirements.

Olivia Foondos (11)

I’m studying for the SAT and contacting colleges so that I’m continuing to reach for my goals. I’m trying to frame this current situation as positive, as I now have much more time to work towards my goals and aspirations. I’m also enjoying spending more time with my family and teaching my younger siblings new skills. I taught my 6-year-old sister to ride her bike and I’m teaching my 4-year-old sister how to cook. 

Bethany DiSilvestro (11)

As I attempt to cope with the astounding changes that are being made to my routine, I’ve found that exercise is a great way to relieve some stress. For me personally, I’ve become quite passionate about mountain biking. I’ve gone mountain biking at least once a day ever since the quarantine began, and I believe I’ve recorded at least 200 miles of biking. But in general, I think that exercising is a simple way to ease some of the anxiety that everyone is dealing with at this moment.

Nathan Guathier (11)

During quarantine, I like to cheer myself up by painting. So far I’ve started to paint the iconic hands from “The Creation of Adam” on my bedroom wall.

Vanessa Islas-Rangel (11)

Something that I have been doing to keep active during shelter in place is taking lots of walks by the river while maintaining a social distance of six feet.

Berta Zepeda (10)

In order to stay relatively sane, I’ve been working on lots of art – specifically, painting. Plus, I’ve been trying to get at least 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night.

Jenna Shepherd  (11)

During shelter in place I have been trying to work on my fitness by going on runs. Last week I completed my longest run ever! (7 miles) I have also been cleaning out my cluttered room. 

Elizabeth Snyder (11)

During this shelter in place I have tried to do some of the things I always wish I had more time for. I have been reading a lot more, which is something I haven’t been able to do in years, and enjoying baking (mostly desserts). I’m finding that I definitely need to go outside or be active once a day, so I’ve been going on some runs and lots of bike rides. It’s hard not to just sit around and let the days go by but I’m trying to find things that work for me! 

Grace Montgomery (11)

During the quarantine, I have been going hunting and fishing to stay active, and away from people.

Matthew Keller (12)

So what I’ve been doing to stay positive is playing Fortnite and going on bike rides. I’ve just been clearing my head and pushing through it. I have also been doing a lot of yard work to make money. I have not left my house in a month now and the boredom is making me wanna do school work.

Joshua Ramos (10)

This quarantine has been a mixture of emotions, to be honest. I still have my job so I’m able to work which is a blessing, but also a curse at the same time. In my free time, I work on music. Singing, writing lyrics, playing bass, it makes the time go by too fast sometimes. Since my mother is working from home and my two older brothers have returned home temporarily, the Wifi connection has not been the best. And my apologies Ms. Bridges. I’m sorry for the late assignments as I hope they will send, along with this message. Stay safe and happy quarantine:)

Victoria Larson (12)

The best way I’ve been staying positive and active during quarantine is doing things with my family. Usually it’s doing puzzles with them, playing board games, or going out on the street to play volleyball with my brother. Also we’ve been using the hot tub a lot.