Travel is Instrumental

French teacher Jennifer Jenks at the Great Wall of China. Photo courtesy of Jenks.

Many teachers do interesting things which a lot of students don’t realize. Jennifer Jenks, a French teacher who has been teaching for 18 years is one of them. She teaches French 1, 2, and Honors French 3. She has and continues to travel to countries all over the world.

Jenks has been to every continent except Antarctica. She has achieved so much in very little time what many people dream to have accomplished in a lifetime.

“I have traveled to every single continent except for Antarctica,” said Jenks, “so I’ve been to Australia. I’ve been to China. I’ve been to Japan. I’ve been to many countries in Europe.”

Aside from traveling, Jenks has many other interests too. One of those is learning and listening to new music.

“I love music and I love learning new instruments and I have been taking drum lessons for the past few years,” said Jenks.

Jenks really enjoyed traveling to Australia and exploring Sydney and its beauty. When Jenks travels, her, friends and/or sister love to spend time together.

“One of my friends was living in Sydney with her family so I visited,” said Jenks. “I was only there for a week. I would really love to go back someday. We visited these mountains called that were called the Three Sisters and it was fun because it was me and my two best friends.”

Jenks said that she couldn’t choose which trip was her favorite out of all her travels but in her recent trips she admired Japan.

“Everything is different and hard and has things that are wonderful,” said Jenks. “My most favorite trip in recent memory was this past summer I went to Japan. I went and visited my friends family. We traveled to Tokyo for a week and Kyoto for a week.”

Jenks is always planning and thinking about future trips that she wants to complete. Africa is her next destination.

“In Africa I have only been to Morocco but in March I’m going to go to Senegal, and I’ve been to Bolivia and Peru and Nicaragua.”

Jenks even had experience living in a new and opening culture. Grenoble, she said was so beautiful and the people were amazing.

“I used to live in Grenoble which is in the Alps near the Italian border and I really love it there,” said Jenks. “I’m not a huge snow person but I liked…the people there were super nice and sweet and welcoming and the mountains were gorgeous. It was a challenge living in a different culture but it was fun to work on my language skills and meet new people.”

Jenks experiences many different locals and many different people that have unlike qualities from Americans. She says Japanese people are the nicest locals she’s ever met but they can be a bit strange sometimes.

“Japanese people are super nice but they are extremely polite and very, very clean. They don’t have any trash cans there. Everybody keeps their own trash and puts it in their purse or their bag and they throw it away later. Nobody spits or puts gum under the table. Everybody is super clean, super polite, super helpful, but they’re a little bit more reserved, like Americans, we’re known for being loud.”

Jenks will continue to travel and see different countries and people. She wants to travel for the rest of her life and experience more new and exciting things.