Annual Duck Derby raises over $13,000

Stroughter picks up senior Jay Wilson before jumping into pool. Photo by Jane Snider

The 4th Annual Duck Derby has come to a close, and the seniors came out on top, winning $1,000 for their class. Coach Sammie Stroughter jumped into the dive pool, with senior Jay Wilson, where he selected the lucky winners.

If your duck was one of the first two ducks chosen you won $500. The following 25 winners won $100 each. Overall 1,295 ducks were adopted rasing $13,350 for the school.

The seniors sold the most 383, freshman came in a close second selling 362, juniors sold 282 ducks and finally sophomores sold a total of 233 ducks. Michael Dengel and Julie Sazaki both won the big $500 grand prize.

Although short of their desired goal of $30,000 the fundraiser made an impact on the school community. The fundraiser is important to the PTSA because it provides support to the students and staff, and they hope to make an even bigger impact next year.