The Mirada Returns

The Mirada Returns

The mirada is back this year and a lot is changing. Co editors-in-chief, Rebecca Smith and Kaitlyn Shellooe are planning on publishing a monthly newspaper with exclusive stories about everything from recent sports games to upcoming events to all things Rio Americano.

This August issue is special. This is the first issue to be published in August since 2000. The editors-in-chief came in over summer and worked with Mr. Mahoney to redesign the paper so we could come out in August and cover all the summer news. The pressure to make a paper in the first five school days with
a mostly untrained staff meant many late nights, but we hope the effort–and hit to our other school work–pays off with an issue that serves the Rio community.

One goal is to increase student representation in each issue. The Respond to News section aims to engage students in news outside of the school and publish their opinions.

Each issue a calendar of important dates and sporting events will be published so students can stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

This issue students can find information about the new health class and the 11 new teachers.

Along with the newspaper, The Mirada now has a Twitter @ riomirada2019. The Twitter will live tweet from events and postlinks to articles and videos. Staff members will also livestream events, so students can still enjoy the experience even if they can’t go.

Website Editor, Jared Moisey, has completely updated and redesigned the website. It will publish everything the paper cannot: slideshows, videos and exclusive articles. Students can find the website at

Before the semester ends, a magazine will be published.
It will be similar to a college catalogue and will contain articles and pictures that depict what student life is like at Rio. The goal of the magazine is to provide middle schoolers with what high school is like through the perspective of students.

As our staff editorial makes clear, reporters are not the enemies of the American people, as the president has said. Instead Mirada reporters–like the pros– work hard to keep you informed. We will make mistakes, and we want your feedback when we do.

Although the staff is small this year, ambitions are big. The Mirada will be using a variety of platforms to provide students with the most frequent updates about all news at the school.