Introduction Into Patient Care

Interested in pursuing a medical career? Consider taking Health Pathways a new multi-year elective that will be offered in the beginning next year.

Composed of three classes, Patient Care 1, Patient Care 2 and an internship, Health Pathways  is designed for students who are looking into the medical field to get experience before they go to college.

“You will learn how to take care of patients in hospitals or medical settings,” said Principle Brian Ginter.

The internship will consist of two periods, fifth and sixth, and possibly extend beyond the school day.

Because this is the first time the course will be offered, the school is still working out the details. Also, because next year’s seniors will not be able to experience the whole multi-year program they may have an accelerated pace.

Students will be in a classroom until the middle of October to the end of the year you will be getting your hours in.

To be in the program students usually have to take all three classes but since it is starting next year the District wants to open it up to seniors. For seniors it will be a fifth and sixth period class. Students will be working in the field five days a week.The hours for the internship are still unknown.

“We have yet worked that out with the District,” said Ginter. “We may have to adjust the work schedule but it has not been discussed yet.”

There will be no classrooms added for this new program, instead classes will be held in J3, which is where Nicole Brashear’s currently teaches biology. Next year, Brashear will move into Joyce’s Dibble’s classroom.

There will be a full-time teacher, with an average of 33 students in the class, but the school has not said who the teacher will be yet.

“Based on the results of course selection we need 132 kids choose to have a full time teacher, which we have,” said Ginter.