Cafeteria Jobs

High school is the time for many teens to start working and learn how to earn money.

What better place to get your first job then at your own school?

Rio Americano High School cafeteria offers work for students and pay at minimum wage which is currently $11. All high school grades are welcome to apply for the job and help out.

The job entails serving food in the cafeteria and cafes around campus for 15 to 30 minutes. Students can also work shifts in the morning, where they serve breakfast. “In the main cafeteria they serve food, and at the Border Cafe they help prepare food like nachos and tostadas,” said Doug Gwiazdon, head of food services.

If students want to apply the first thing they have to do is head to the counselor’s office where they need to pick up a work permit. Students must fill out the top portion, and Mr. Gwiazdon will fill out the bottom part and students parents will sign it.

Gwiazdon’s only requirement are that students have good grades and have a good work ethic.

Students will be paid by check, sent to your home or direct deposit.

During the application process students will learn how to fill out a W2’s and I9’s which are necessary when students apply to other jobs outside of school. If students have better knowledge of how to apply for jobs, they will be more prepared for the future.

“It is good because when you get out of school and you go to apply for a job you will have that knowledge behind you,” said Gwiazdon.  

Students are paid per hour and twice a month.

There are currently four  student workers: Sam Hill, Johnny Rodriguez, Nick Alvarez, and Titinisha Mitchell who work in the cafeterias and cafes and Doug is looking for more students who are ready to work. “It used to be a lot easier, you would just sign up and we would pay you cash” said Gwiazdon, “Now it is more of a process so I think that some of the students that want to apply won’t because there is more work involved”

This job provides students with opportunities to learn how to apply for jobs once they leave high school. Not only that, but it teaches students social skills. “It look great on a resume because it shows that you can keep a job and that you have the drive to work during high school and not wait till you are in college,” said Nick Alvarez.

While working at a cafeteria students will learn how to communicate with customers; providing skills that will be useful outside of school. It is important for students to have good knowledge about how to communicate with others whom you may not know.  

“Students will be able to have a easier time with applying for a job outside of school because they’ll already have prior experience and knowledge from working right here in the school,” said Gwiazdon.

This is a great opportunity for students to learn the ropes of the job industry while they are still in high school. With hard work and a good work ethic students can enjoy this job and be rewarded for it.