Vending Machines Broke

Vending machines. A superb creation by brilliant minds that are the perfect pick me up. You are a hardworking student walking down the hallway off to third period, when you see in the distance something so promising. Your stomach growls as you get closer, you pull your spare change out of your pocket, you turn to face snack heaven only to see that there is no food in the vending machine. Your stomach growls once more and the last bell rings so you put your change back in your pocket and hurry off to class.

However, the vending machines in the b and d hallways are being removed over winter break.

“Their [upkeep] is not worth the hassle,” said Principal’s Secretary Karen Cassady.

The vending machines in the b and hallways had not been raising enough money and were being vandalized by people from off-campus, based on administration suspicion, and it is the reason they have not been restocked or replaced since the beginning of this year.

“Now the machines are kind of useless in a sense because they aren’t being fixed,” said senior Kaily Izales. “I think they should be refurbished.”

For many the vending machines gave them energy throughout the school day or gave kids something to look forward too. It’s not like the food inside the machines was unhealthy.

All or most of the items were created to be healthy according to school health codes and certain allergies.

“I miss the food,” said senior Victoria Melnichuk. “My favorite thing to get from the vending machines was the ICE sparkling drinks.”

They contained no MSG, artificial sugar and some items were even gluten free.

There is, however, one working vending machine in the P.E. hallway that is restocked and is used frequently by freshmen and sophomores, but the machine doesn’t take bills larger than one dollar.

“The vending machines always being broken is a disadvantage for the kids who depend on them at lunch to provide food for them,” said Izales. “If the machines were maintained well enough I think the school could receive more revenue from the machines.”

The vending machines provided some with their daily lunch and others with their daily snack. It was a main source of food and to have that taken away affected the whole student body.

“I’ve only ever gone to the vending machines a few times throughout my high school career but even then it was only halfway supplied with food,” said Izales.

The vending machines in the cafeteria and out front of the large gym will stay, however, because they are managed by food service and not maintained by an outside company.

“I have asked the district if we could get beverage vending machines,” said food service supervisor Doug Gwiazdon. “But it is really far down on their list of priorities.”

Food service has not had as big of an issue with vandalism and their machines.

“Kids tend to unplug them,” said Gwiazdon. “I guess it is fun to pull it out of the socket.”