Q&A: Ashley Sanders, English Teacher

Where did you go to high school?
“Victory Christian.”

What were you like in high school?
“I was rambunctious, I was voted class clown my senior year.”

Is there an accomplishment from high school that you would like to share?
“My first day of AP English, we had a test on three novels we were supposed to read over the summer. I took the test and got a D-. My teacher pulled me aside and said she thought I should drop the class. I didn’t know how much English meant to me until that day.”

Where did you go to college?
“I started off at American river community college, and then I transferred to Sac State.”

What was your major?
“I had five different majors. I started off with kinesiology, and then did nutrition, business, photography for a little while and lastly English.”

What did you do before you became a teacher?
“I was a bagger at Raley’s for five years, a dog walker and lastly a model for a little bit.”