Thousands Join Women’s March in Sacramento

Rio Americano Students join protest

 “The people, united, will never be divided.”

  Saturday, Jan. 21, marked the largest political protest in global history. The day following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, more than 2 million men, women, and children marched and rallied around the world.

  Women’s rights have been a controversial topic for centuries; the march was an outlet for those who are unsatisfied with how they’re viewed in society.

  “I believe that women should have the same rights as every single human in the world and should not be discriminated against,” said sophomore Victoria Salazar.

  The Women’s March occurs annually, but with such a misogynistic president now in office,

women felt fired up and ready to fight.

  “I don’t like Trump,” said sophomore Allison Beck. “I think he’s kind of sexist. He’s against Planned Parenthood. I don’t like that because the government shouldn’t control what we do with our bodies.”

  Even though it was called a ‘Women’s March’, topics like the environment, religion, race, and LGBTQ+ rights were also brought up. There was a diverse group of people fighting for a variety of beliefs, but a common theme could be found throughout: the goal to ensure the next generation of voters are politically aware.

  “My mom and dad are really proud of me for doing something that supports what I believe in,” said sophomore Victoria Salazar.

  While it’s apparent the march was in protest of policies Trump and his cabinet plan to implement over the next four years, the true purpose of the march was to promote women’s rights.

  Controversial claims Trump has made over the past year and a half  were used as examples for why the march was, and continues to be necessary.

  Trump supporters tended to think the march was just to protest the new president, but what they don’t understand is that although posters about hating Trump were made, everything said on the posters were true.

  “I hope this brings a lot of awareness to everyone our age because some people don’t actually understand what Trump is doing wrong and how he’s affecting the lives of all of us and how it could potentially affect our future,” said Beck. “I’m hoping we’re able to put it on social media, and raise awareness for what’s going on.”

  Songs were sung, cheers were chanted, and love was shared. It was a peaceful day full of passion and hope that there is a bright future ahead and that even with someone like Trump as president, everyone should have faith and stay united.

“I felt it was very empowering it united a lot of people, not just women, men also,” said sophomore Chloe Planche. “We marched for the same reason, and I felt like we really made a difference. This was the biggest protest/march worldwide, so I thought that was really amazing. The next day I felt like I made a change. I felt important. I know that that day will go down in history.”


Rebecca Smith at Women’s March in Sacramento