Kylie Jenner Makes Surprise Appearance at Junior Prom

Rio Americano Prom will be featured on reality show episode in June

The juniors had a big surprise at this year’s prom, as one special guest made it a night to remember. When Kylie Jenner strolled into prom many students were shocked.

“My initial reaction was I had no idea why everyone was screaming,” said senior Sam Adams. Junior Carolyn Lidster was lucky enough to snap a picture with Jenner.

“I was shook. I was real shook,” said Lidster. “For those of you who don’t know what shook means, I was in shock.”

“Everyone was crowding around her so I just shoved my way in and asked her to take a picture with me and she turned and smiled,” said Lidster.

The following day, the Sacramento Bee contacted Lidster via direct message asking permission for her photo. On Sunday morning, Lister’s photo of her and Jenner was in the Sacramento Bee. This was one of many news sources that mentioned Kylie Jenner attending Rio Americano’s prom. Both Lidster and Adams have media content that went viral.

Many are wondering how this crazy event even happened. The answer is that the producers of Jenner’s new show, Life of Kylie, which will be debuting this summer, we’re looking for a storyline for the show.

Jenner showed up with her date, junior Albert Ochoa, and her attendance took him by surprise as well. Jenner had never attended a prom before because she was homeschooled, so she wanted to experience one for herself.

The producers were looking for a prom to attend during the time the episode was supposed to be filmed, and Rio was the school of choice. “I was her first date to a dance, and she was my first date,” Ochoa said.

The producers got in contact with the school, and Ochoa’s name popped up in discussions with Principal Brian Ginter. “The producer really liked me and my story,” said Ochoa.

From there, things were organized with Ochoa’s mom, who facetimed with Jenner three times the week proceeding prom.

The evening started as an ordinary one for Ochoa. The plan was to get ready and attend prom exclusively with guy friends. Ochoa hadn’t been rejected, nor did he reject anyone, contrary to what the media has mentioned.

Ochoa and his mom ate at a nearby restaurant where they soon met up with Will Ontiveros, the producer of Life of Kylie. Ontiveros initially addressed himself as a “salesman” so he wouldn’t give away the surprise.

Ontiveros told Ochoa that he had just won a tuxedo and a pair of dress shoes. After this, he announced to Ochoa that he was in fact, the producer of Life of Kylie.

Ochoa and Ontiveros then walked to the Citizen Hotel (a block away from the Central Library) where top designers from New York waited in a hotel room on the 14th floor. This is when Ochoa changed into his new $2,500 tuxedo and dress shoes, both of which he got to keep.

Once Ochoa was dressed in his new attire, Ontiveros told him that he got him a date. That’s when Jenner walked into the door escorting by her friends, Jordyn Woods, Victoria Victoria Villarroel Gamero along with an abundance of cameras.

“It was crazy because we were on the 14th floor, and she [Kylie Jenner] walked out of nowhere,” said Ochoa. “I remember the first thing I said to her was, ‘omigod you’re gorgeous.’”  

Ochoa admits that when he first saw Jenner, he was nervous. “She gave me this big ‘ol hug,” Ochoa said. “She’s a really sweet girl.”

In the hotel room, the couple exchanged boutonnieres and corsages. Ochoa was given two corsages, one for Jenner and one for Woods. Jenner also came prepared and gave a boutonniere to Ochoa.

“She didn’t know how to put on the boutonniere,” said Ochoa. “It was really funny and cute.”

Ochoa rode in the limousine with Jenner, Woods, Gamero and Jenner’s hair stylists and makeup artists. The group arrived to the Central Library fashionably late, walking in the doors at 10:00 PM, two hours after it started.

Once the three walked in followed by an entourage of cameras, the room went insane. “She was paranoid about how everyone swarmed us, that’s why we didn’t dance,” said Ochoa. Instead, the two stood on the balcony overlooking the ocean of students who chanted Ochoa’s name with excitement.

Ochoa was given a microphone that was clipped onto his tuxedo so the cameramen could interview him throughout the night. Jenner even filmed Ochoa on her iPhone at one point, asking him how he was feeling.

After the two talked on the balcony of the Central Library, Ochoa, Jenner, and her friends left on the second floor to their limousine which was waiting outside. The producers of the show took the microphone off Ochoa as he said goodbye to the Kardashian royalty.

He had his 15 minutes of fame, but the fun is just beginning for Ochoa. On May 13, Ochoa flew to Los Angeles where he modeled in his new tuxedo. “I have always been interested in modeling,” said Ochoa. “So this has been a really good opportunity to pursue modeling.”

In June, you can listen to Ochoa being interviewed on 102.5. News stations such as CBS, E! News, and New York National News will be interviewing him, along with media from international countries such as New Zealand (via Skype) and Switzerland.