Students Perform in Local Theatre

Student actors work to put on “Cats”

Students Perform in Local Theatre

Although written during the date provided, this article was republished during 2020 by Nicolas Gorman to put it on the website. The author is unknown.

CATS, the world renowned play, tells the story of the annual gathering of Jellicle cats at which time one cat gets selected to ascend to the Heaviside layer.
River City Theater Company, on March 21-29, will be performing this play at Hiram Johnson High School, debuting Rio’s own students.
Seniors Chloe Kuske, Elaine Ortiz, Kaycee Solorio, and sophomores Nicky Lastuvka and Mitchell Worrell-Olson all tried out just a month ago and have been rehearsing nonstop since then.
“I was nervous as always but I love auditioning because its always a good experience,” said Ortiz about tryouts.
Although the nerves may have gotten to many people at the auditions, these confident and talented seniors rose above them to get the parts that they wanted.
“I am Rumpleteazer in the play and I was absolutely happy with the part I got,” said Ortiz.
As well as Ortiz, Kuske was also very pleased with the part she got; the Gumbie Cat.
“I was very excited after tryouts to learn that I would play the Gumbie Cat. It was a relief especially after taking a sizable break from acting,” said Kuske.
Kuske, who has been involved in performing arts since just age four, has starred in many played, including The Nutcracker and 42nd Street.
“I joined theater in sixth grade. My first play was 42nd Street and I was a specialty tap dancer. I’ve transitioned to different dance styles throughout my life and have enjoyed every experience,” said Kuske.
As well as Kuske, Solario has also been an avid performing in the spotlight. She has been a very important asset to the Drama program at school and has been featured in various school plays.
“I will be playing Victoria in CATS. Auditioning was a really great experience. You get to work with a lot of great directors and choreographers,” said Solario.
Solario has been involved in performing arts basically since she was born and hopes to continue her career in college.
“I am going to go to Sac State for two years and then transfer to UC Irvine,” said Solario.
As well as CATS, Solario is simultaneously rehearsing for the school play, Johnny Starlight Touches the Moon.
“I’m playing Mrs. Starlight, who is basically a drunk wife who wishes she wasn’t where she is right now,” said Solario.
Although taking on two plays will be a great challenge, Solario has the experience and the talent to succeed in both.
These theatrical students have excelled from academics, to sports, and especially in the theater. With two large plays in the near future, they will continue to work hard and prepare to shine in the spotlight.