Students Prepare for Exit Exam

Students have plenty to look forward to in the coming weeks.
That is, if you look forward to tests.
Starting on Feb. 1 (from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), many students will be taking Mock SAT and Mock ACT. Hundreds of students pay money and give up a large chunk of their Saturday for this test before the test.
Student registration dues must be turned into the main office and counseling office to take this test. Exam Results will be released to the students on Feb. 13. and plenty of those test takers will be eagerly awaiting those results.
Just a few days later, all 10th grade students, along with any older students who have not yet passed it, will take the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) on Feb. 4 for English and Language Arts followed by the Math section on Feb. 5.
Students not taking the CAHSEE do not need to show up to school on Tuesday and Wednesday until after the testing period ends at 10:30 a.m. To the many students not taking the test, feel free to sleep in on those days.
Upcoming test dates are closing in. SAT testing is the bane of some students existance this semester; some of their college applications are riding on a good score from the infamous test. ACT, MAP, and other scholastic testing tools are creating stress for these overworked students.
The testing season is seen by some students as a door closing on opportunities; those with lower scores significantly hurt their chances of getting accepted to their first choice colleges. Other students see the tests as an opportunity to show off their academic prowess and wow acceptance officers with the results of their weeks, if not months, of hard work, studying, and dedication.