Newspaper Editors go to D.C.

  • [left to right] Synia Thrower, Joseph Bender, Jessica Sheppard, Annalee Gorman, Katie Newton, Nicolas Gorman, Emma Hutchinson, Mickey Doolittle, Luke Richards sit on the outside of the United States Supreme Court.

  • The Newspaper editors along with teacher Nina Seibel and parent chaperone Nick Richards get ready to take off from Sacramento International Airport. The flight departed around 8:00PM to Phoenix, Arizona. The next flight departed Phoenix around 1:00AM to Washington, D.C.

  • Jessica Sheppard, Katie Newton, Annalee Gorman, Emma Hutchinson, and Synia Thrower pose in front of the Washington Monument.

  • Joseph Bender, Mickey Doolittle, Nicolas Gorman, Luke Richards, and Katie Newton stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • Various statues from each state stand in a large room in the US Capitol building. The statues represent something important from that state.

  • Emma Hutchinson, Katie Newton, Annalee Gorman, and Luke Richards practice different TV tactics at the Newseum.

  • The Lincoln Memorial stands guard over Washington D.C. every night. Many remember President Lincoln for the abolition of slavery.

  • Supreme Court of the United States of America.

  • Struggling at first, the group quickly became pros at riding the D.C. Metro system by the end of the trip.

  • Katie Newton, Nicolas Gorman, and Annalee Gorman stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • The Washington Monument photographed the first day the students arrived in D.C.

  • The newspaper editors stand outside the nation’s capitol building, which houses both chambers of the legislative branch.

  • An eternal flame burns at the gravesite of Jackie Kennedy and her husband, former President John F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery.

  • The US Capitol connects to the Library of Congress via an underground tunnel.

  • The Capitol Building as seen from a balcony in the Newseum.

  • The group got to see a Redskins game against the Lions. Watching the two worst teams in the NFL, tickets only cost $7.

  • Mickey Doolittle, Nicolas Gorman, Luke Richards, and Joseph Bender get their picture taken at the journalism convention.

  • Emma Hutchinson, Katie Newton, Annalee Gorman, and Luke Richards practice different TV tactics at the Newseum.

  • Mickey Doolittle, Nicolas Gorman, and Mrs. Seibel walk on a path alongside the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • Responding to a room across that read “hello” in sticky notes, the boys responded with “snap?”

  • Twins Nicolas Gorman and Annalee Gorman pose outside of the Supreme Court of the United States.

  • The editors take a selfie before listening to Chuck Todd with hundreds of other journalists.

  • The Washington Monument photographed from the Lincoln Memorial.

  • Emma Hutchinson takes a photo of somethin

  • The White House at sundown.

  • Luke Richards vibes before boarding the flight to Phoenix.

  • A solider performs during a Tomb of the Unknown Solider ceremony.

  • Katie Newton and Nicolas Gorman take a picture in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • The girls and parent chaperone Nick Richards wait outside of their hotel room.

  • The boys pose in front of the National Monument.

  • Newspapers from around the world the morning after the September 11 attacks.

  • Riding the metro on the return trip to the airport, a bridge with heavy traffic is photographed at sunset with the city in the background.

  • The group walks into the World War II memorial.

  • The group walks into Arlington National Cementary.

  • The White House at sunset.

  • The Lincoln Memorial as seen at night.

  • An interesting graphic at the Newseum shows where free press is available around the world.

  • The inside of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • The inside of the Library of Congress.

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