Grimmsome and Then Some

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This year’s winter play was a compilation of fairy tales with a modern take on the tales from the Brothers Grimm and Aesop.
The play ran from Feb. 6 to Feb. 9. in the Betty Miller Theater.
The process of preparing for a play starts with the Drama and Readers Theater teacher, Mrs. Miller, deciding which play the class will put on. Then there are auditions for a week after that.
“We brought in a lot of new people to the class to put this play on, which I was very skeptical about and how the chemistry of the class would work, but I believe we all got along very well and loved working together,” senior Sierra Christenson said.
After auditions, practice starts and lines are memorized while they rehearse.
“Personally, I feel like we rehearse so much that most of us don’t really need to go home and memorize our lines,” senior Grace Ramatici said.
Practices run longer than just one period to get in the most practice.
“The commitment is pretty big because we practice everyday until around 4:30 p.m.,” Ramatici said. “As a senior it’s more so of a commitment just because more of our friends have an open sixth, but honestly I love being there so is doesn’t feel like a long time at all.”
“Grimmsome and Then Some” was a unique play because the fairy tales are short stories and allow for many different scenes and characters.
“This play was very different because none of the skits relate to each other, and instead just tell their own little stories,” Christenson said.
Because there were many different characters, students could create different personalities for their roles.
“I was in five out of the seven skits, so I had five characters,” Christenson said. “My favorite role was Sister Longneck, mainly because I liked dressing as a princess and improving with Grace.”