Seniors Paint Parking Spots
August 29, 2018
For the second year in a row, parking spots have been auctioned off to seniors as a fundraiser for Grad Night. Sat, Aug. 18 seniors and their parents spent the day in the main parking lot painting their designs onto their spot. In order to get a parking spot, the seniors paid for either the raffle style spot for $150 or the Premium Spot for $310. The seniors that paid for Premium Parking were the first group to pick their spot, and the order was based on the order that they paid. The students that bought raffle style spots had their names drawn and were divided into eight groups. At senior schedule pick up, the groups were called and picked their spots in the order listed. Students were required to buy their own supplies, including paint and rollers. At 8:30 a.m., students and their helpers arrived to beat the heat, brushes in hand. The job was long and many stayed for over 8 hours to complete their artwork. In the middle of the day the high was 100 degrees and there are estimates that the asphalt reached up to 145 degrees causing many seniors to suffer from sunburns and heat exhaustion. The artwork both beautifies the school and allows students to express their individuality: it’s the biggest fundraiser for the senior class.
Senior Chase Iseley paints camper van, cacti and the phrase “Happy Camper” on her Premium Parking spot. She was inspired by a design she saw on Pinterest.
Photo By Rebecca Smith -
Senior Breck Paschal paints a California license plate. She used the letters of her name to customize the spot.
Photo By Rebecca Smith -
Senior Ajee Brooks paints the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo on her spot with the phrase “Zoinks this spot is taken by Ajee”. The design matched her keychain and is a catch-phrase she uses.
Photo By Rebecca Smith -
Senior Sophie Papanto- niadis paints her name on her parking spot with a fairy. Her love for fair- ies as a kid inspired her design.
Photo By Rebecca Smith