Sewing Through Stress

Junior Camille Davis uses sewing and lacrosse to get through stressful times.

Photo By Camille Davis

Davis works on sewing masks at her home to promote safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many students have outlets to alleviate themselves from the pressures of school and stress from reality, and junior Camille Davis uses sewing as her escape from reality. 

Davis has been sewing ever since she was six years old and it has always been one of her favorite things to do. Right now, she is able to make bucket hats, masks, scrunchies, dresses, skirts, bags and even more. 

“I like how creative it allows me to be,” Davis said. “It gives me an outlet for my creativity.  I also am able to visualize exactly what I want to do so it makes it pretty easy, but I can’t always follow through.”

Davis learned from her grandma and has been hooked since. Although her grandma is the reason she learned about her passion, she has taught herself a lot of more difficult techniques as well. 

“I wasn’t ever really inspired to sew really, my grandma sat me down at her machine and just taught me the basics,” said Davis. “She gave me a couple projects to work on and I fell in love.”

Davis has made many different things throughout the years, but one recent project stands out as one of her favorites. 

“My most recent favorite thing I’ve made is a cow print dress,” Davis said.  “I saw a picture on Instagram of a silhouette that I liked but I didn’t think I would be able to replicate it without a pattern or a video to watch but it ended up being better than the original in my mind.”

She doesn’t only make things for herself. One of her favorite things to do is to make items for the people around her. 

“Camille has upcycled two pairs of jeans for me,” said Chase Isley, Rio Americano 2019 graduate. “Both pairs of jeans were from the thrift store and looked drabby. Camille distressed one pair and put elastic on the other pair. Now I’ve got two pairs of perfect jeans that fit like a glove, and look cute too.”

Davis also made over 70 masks for the veteran’s hospital, as well as her family and friends over quarantine. 

Looking forward, she does not have a direct path set for herself. 

“It’s my dream to make sewing and design a part of my career but I’m not sure the best way to go about that, Davis said, “I want to go to a college that has a fashion and design program.”

When she’s not sewing you can probably find Davis on the field playing lacrosse. Davis has been playing lacrosse since she was in 5th grade and her friend asked her to play. She has loved it ever since.

“I love being able to have teammates and a built-in family at school.  I love that I can always talk to at least one of them about our upcoming game, practice, or something unrelated to lacrosse.”

One of her proudest moments from the sport occurred during her freshman year. 

“My biggest accomplishment was probably freshman year when I was the only freshman who made varsity,” Davis said. “I had worked super hard for that and it was nice to be rewarded with a spot on varsity.”

From the sewing machine to the fields, Davis does it all. Constantly coming up with new items to make, there is no doubt that she has a successful life ahead. 

“I love what I do and I hope it takes me far in the future,” Davis said.