A Letter to Jeremy Zucker

An album review of Jeremy Zucker’s debut album, “love is not dying,” written as a letter to the artist.

Jeremy Zucker created this spectrogram to accompany his album for a visual listening experience. Zucker wrote and produced his album in his studio in Brooklyn, New York.

Dear Jeremy Zucker,  

We are so proud.

You didn’t simply make a track of singles trying to get one hit or gain followers through mainstream pop. You made a record with transitions, self transformation and personality. You stayed true to yourself and grew because of it.

Your debut album, “love is not dying” (LIND) was definitely different from your EPs that you’ve released in the past, and the courage you showed in stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is truly inspiring to not only your fans and admirers, but also to other artists who need a little push of inspiration to take a leap of faith and grow. 

LIND puts the true power of music to work, and that is the ability to tell a story. The power to cross language barriers, and connect people across countries and the world in a time when we need it more than ever. 

Your virtual release party was attended by people of all ages from all over the world, and those people didn’t know each other but connected over the one thing that can bridge any gap: good music. 

Of course, everyone has different music tastes, but we believe that anyone can appreciate the time and effort an artist puts into their work, especially a debut album. This can especially be seen through the transitions between songs.

In particular, the relationship between “not ur friend” and “full stop” is complex and engrossing to listeners. In “not ur friend,” you debated on whether or not to include a song with such negative energy on the track, yet many fans thanked you for capitalizing on a feeling they had always wanted to express.

You followed this song with a personal reflection of your experience writing “not ur friend” in “full stop.” This not only showed great maturity, as you were honest with yourself, but highlighted your craft as a songwriter and producer. Using the same melody of the pre-chorus to “not ur friend,” but replacing the lyrics to introduce “full stop” proved to be an exciting discovery for fans listening for the first time.

Another song that stood out from a production standpoint was “lakehouse.” From the guitar chords you recorded while having a conversation with a friend to the captivating timestamp, the layers of sound compiled into a song that told a story of balancing desires with what’s best for yourself.

Your music has the ability to make people experience emotions they didn’t know they could feel and relive memories they didn’t know they had. From start to end this ability made for what we believe is an excellent debut album.

Cheers to you.

Emma & Katie