Models of All Shapes and Sizes are Taking Over the Industry

Asa and Tallulah walking of London fashion week mini mode after a walk on the run way.

The hair, the makeup, the clothes. Countries all over the world have fashion shows with all sorts of various models, but with the new trend of embracing all bodies types in the U.S., it has been shaking things up quite a bit.

There tends to be a trend with model icons like Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, and Karlie Kloss and that is their size.

Kendall Jenner is a size two and standing at 5’10, Gigi Hadid is a size four and 5’10, Karlie Kloss is a size zero and 6’1. These women don’t represent a typical American women yet they all still make millions of dollars a year.

The average American woman wears between a size 16 and 18 and is about 5’3.

With teens being susceptible to body images that tend to be unrealistic, it is damaging to their self confidence. If you look in a magazine most people you see are no bigger than a size five; however, a new trend that has hit the U.S and is hopefully here to stay is plus size models: models that are a size eight or higher.

In 2017, this trend really took off with companies like Old Navy and Macy’s.

Adults aren’t the only ones modeling. Children pose for the camera just as much as adults do.

Children travel all over the world to do modeling shoots. Tallulah Sheppard is a young model and just finished a London fashion week mini mode with her twin brother Asa Sheppard.

“We had such an amazing time and loved it! Doing the catwalk show was amazing and such a good opportunity,” said Asa.

But it it’s not just about the experience it is also about the people that make it happen like the stylists, and the crew.

“ It was so cool and such fun, there were so many nice people,” said Tallulah.

Female models are a major aspect of this new trend and the effects it has for their bussiness.

“I do think that the, ‘waif” look is a little 90’s and outdated,” said Maria Breese a model. “I understand that certain designer prefer to use models that fit the esthetic of the line, but for a whole country to ban a whole type of model is certainly ridiculous.”

Weather you, are a size zero or a size 15 this trend is here to stay. Modeling has been revolutionized and America has finally hopped on the train.