Ten Things Teens Can’t Live Without

From friends to travel, teens have basic needs

Photo illustration of student using his phone wasting valuable class time; an epidemic among classrooms.

There are just some items that we can’t live without and teens have a long list. But let’s look at just a few that are key to our survival.

The number one thing that we can’t live without is friends. With a friend by our side we can conquer the world, or at least high school.

Friends are always there and are always keep us sane, and somewhat calm. They also help us through the good and the bad, and make us laugh daily.

Second is our phones. Teens and their phones are like cake and ice cream they pair so well together that it isn’t right if they are apart. Although we may get attached to them every now and again we can’t be blamed.

Their ability to play our favorite music, record the funniest videos, and scroll through our Instagram feeds can keep us entertained for hours. With all of it’s gadgets and games it is hard to resist the siren call of our cell phones.

The third is food. Food is an important part of life for anyone but for a teenager, it is a big priority. With endless combinations there is no way that we wouldn’t be up for new things to try.

The forth is music. It can make you dance like no one is watching, and sing like you were on the biggest stage in the world.

The fifth is Netflix. Now Netflix has been on our computer and phone screens for a while but there is always too keep you entertained.

With shows like friends, stranger things, and the office there is truly something for everyone. With new shows being added all the time it keeps the attention span of a teen entertained.

The sixth is Traveling. There are so many places to go and so many things we want to see and it is our human nature to be curious.

Places like Rome, and Paris have centuries of history and different cultures than our own. With the ability to fully emerge yourself in a foreign culture is always an interest of many.

The seventh is Movies. A movie like music can make you feel a wide range of emotions and with its lure of popcorn and candy what’s not to love.

The eight is Makeup. When your little dressing up as your mom and putting on her makeup as a girl is fun. In high school we still love makeup but we appreciate it in different ways.

Makeup can help us express who we are as individuals and make you feel like a million dollars.

The ninth is Earbuds. It allows us the biggest thing in the world, privacy. With earbuds in you can listen to music or a video and not have to worry about seeming rude in public.

Earbuds are so small you can fit them anywhere and they can give you the freedom to move cordless without your phone.

The tenth is family. Family is important to anyone whether they are biological or friends that are more family they are always there for you no matter what.