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Rio Americano High School

The Mirada

Rio Americano High School

The Mirada

Rio Americano High School

The Mirada


Investing 101 

President – Yoel Nrayo 


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:The investing 101 club teaches the values of investing and its importance by teaching students how to invest along with what to invest in. Google slides have been created to help visualize investing, however, once my “lecture” is done after a couple of meetings, we will have friendly investing competitions (fake money) Every other Wednesday at lunch in room A5

Red Cross 

President – Nicole Diaz 


Contact: [email protected] 


Description: The Red Cross club gives students an opportunity to earn volunteer hours and give back to people in need. We will hold fundraisers to raise money to donate to the red cross organization to help them continue to support families in need after accidents and disasters. Also, students will be able to connect with the red cross organization for more volunteer opportunities through them. Every other Thursday at lunch in Mr. Kenyon’s room (P7) 

Saint John’s Service Club 

President – Sharika Page


Contact:  [email protected], [email protected] 


Description:Our club intends to promote civic engagement by providing members with an opportunity to volunteer at Saint John’s Program for Women and Children. Members will have to first complete volunteer orientation at the shelter before continuing with the club; we will go together as a group to all volunteer opportunities. Furthermore, we intend to hold fundraisers and drives and donate all proceeds to the shelter or to the enrichment of our club for necessities such as: club shirts, and banners. Monday @ lunch in Ms. Seibel’s room (A-02)

Mental Health Club 

President – Sarah Koopmans 


Contact: [email protected]


Description:MHC works to provide a safe space for students to learn and share about mental health including struggles and advice. MHC works with licensed mental health professionals who give presentations to the club. Wednesdays, lunch, a-07

Japanese Club

President – (Sophia) Eunbee Chu 


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:This is a club to spread Japanese culture on our campus. We will learn basic Japanese and do fun traditional activities. We will have a few cook outs and engaging activities! Every Tuesday during lunch in room A5

Architecture Club 

President – (Sophia) Eunbee Chu 


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:This is a club to expose students to the field of architecture. We partnered up with the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) who will provide us with unique programs, events, and opportunities. Every other Wednesday during lunch at room P9

Crochet Club 

President – Naomi Pai


Contact: [email protected] 


Description: This club will be open to anyone who wants to learn how to crochet. It would also be a place where other crocheters can learn new patterns and stitches from the club and from their peers. 1st and 3rd Thursday during lunch (maybe 4th Thursday)

Stainability Club

President – Sarah Ketsdever


Contact: [email protected], [email protected] 


Description:We are a club that does different environmental community services projects. We are going to do it once a month. Thursday, Lunch and A13 


Smash Bros Club

President – Owen Harnett owen.a.  


Contact:[email protected]


Description:We will play Super Smash Bros Ultimate with the purpose of improving our skill. We will also look at the meta and theory of competitive play. Wednesdays at lunch in A-8, with Ms Ocken-Taylor 

Composition Club 

President – Logan Swain / Josephine 


Contact: [email protected] / [email protected] 


Description:We support each other in the process of creating literary pieces. This is in preparation for a compilation magazine at the end of the school year. Fridays @ lunch in Room A2

Outdoor Education and Exploration 

President – Allie Lehrer Declan Fonsecaallie 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:We will be finding a curriculum relating to the environment about sustainability, interactions, biodiversity, and anything relating to the outdoors or environment. We will also be doing interactive activities and events, such as “eco-friendly” shopping simulations, cooking/baking days, plant identification, and trash clean-up hikes. We want to focus on conservation but also just enjoying the planet we live on. Every other Tuesday, Seibel and Brashear 


President – Julia Kajikyan 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:The UNICEF club works as an extension of the UNICEF organization to save and defend children’s rights. We will mostly spread information and fundraise for the UNICEF cause. Thursdays, during lunch, in room A-05

Neuroscience Club (IYNA)

President – Doaa Mohammad 


Contact:[email protected] OR [email protected] 


Description:Neuroscience club will focus on studying Neuroscience and conducting experiments and learning about the field as well as interviewing Neuroscience professionals within the field. Tuesday’s @ lunch in Ms. Seibel’s room (A2) 


President – Grace Henry and Jax 


Contact:[email protected] and [email protected] 


Description:QSA is a safe place for students who are members of the lgbtq+ community. We serve as a place for education, safety, and fun for queer students and allies. Wednesdays at lunch in the library 

Improv Club 

President – James Roof 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description: Improv club’s purpose is to bring together students who love making things up on the spot. From speeches to skits to entire club activities the whole point is to make things up and have a fun time! P6 lunch Wednesdays Every week. 

Rio Bike Club 

President – Sam Smith 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:We will ride from Rio on the weekends. Anyone can come and ride on the bike trail.9/25, 10:00 am, front of the school

Quiz Bowl 

President – Nithin Danday 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. Quiz Bowl has a “buzzer system” that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer! In the Quiz Bowl club we practice and compete in in-person tournaments as a team. Every Tuesdays at Lunch

Psychology Club 

President – Sama Al Chalabi 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:The purpose of this club is to encourage students to learn about various concepts of Psychology. Students will also have a chance to learn about different mental health disorders as well as treatment methods. Club members will be able to share their ideas, engage in meaningful discussions, and take part in many activities/games that are directly related to Psychology. Every Friday, during lunch time, in room A6. 

Latino Club 

President – Ximena Herrera 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:. Purpose of this club is to enrich people’s knowledge on Hispanic heritage, embrace culture, and promote diversity. This will also be promoting the Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Project (CLYLP), which I am part of. Every second Tuesday of the month. Ms. Ramos classroom. 

Rio Americano String Orchestra 

President – Lila Cesar


Contact: [email protected]


Description:To provide students with an opportunity to enrich their musicianship or learn a new string instrument. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:45 to 4:45

Key club 

President – Sana Mayar


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:Key Club is an international, student-led community service club through the Kiwanis Organization. The club provides weekly volunteer opportunities to fulfill any community service requirements, and to build and develop leadership. Mondays during lunch at A-05

Lunch with Friends 

President – Kiersten Bjork 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Lunch with Friends integrates the special education program and the general education program to help students develop helpful social interactions, make new friends, and improve their fine motor skills with crafts, games, and interactive activities. Tuesdays at lunch in room E1

Doctors Without Borders 

President – Sana Mayar


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:In Doctors Without Borders club, the members will be informed about humanitarian crises around the world. Club members also have the opportunity to participate in no obligatory fundraising events that take place at Rio. The members can earn community service to fulfill any service requirements. All the money raised will be donated to the Doctors Without Borders organization to assist people in need of urgent medical care. Every Thursday at B7

Project HUNGER 

President – Tarik Maita 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Project HUNGER is to support the less fortunate and people in need by providing them with necessities(food, water, and clothes) C 15 Monday@Lunch

Women in STEM 

President – Hailey Puglia 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Women in STEM promotes equitable representation for women across science, technology, engineering, and math education and careers. The club helps women explore STEM fields, opportunities, and resources as well as supports and encourages women to pursue their STEM interests. First Tuesday of the month, lunch, D5

Thrift Club 

President – Alexander Richard 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Teaching teens a more sustainable and fashionable lifestyle through clothing. We will be teaching how to shop more sustainably and the best ways to do it. I-2, At Lunch, the second and fourth Wednesday of the month


President – Hailey Puglia 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:Mathletes is an academic team that competes monthly with regional high schools. In Mathletes, we develop problem solving skills, learn math tricks, practice mathematical concepts, and train for competitions. As well, we play fun math-based games and provide math help. Mathletes is an opportunity for students to explore their math passions and challenge themselves in mathematics! Every week on Thursday at lunch in D5

First Act! 


President – Drama Club Mikayla Popejoy 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:This club is a safe space for all people who want to enter the acting industry to grow as performers, directors, screenwriters, and as professionals. We will do many activities such as in meeting performances, self tapes, acting games, and many more. This club will aid members in building their work from the inside out. Thursdays at lunch in room I-1 (Mr. Korich’s room)

Pool Noodle Fight Club 

President – Brennen Johnson 


Contact:[email protected]


Description: Engineering non lethal weapons. Playful sparring during meetings. Fridays after school at Ashton Park 

Rio Americano Film Productions Club 

President – Naya Winn 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:This club’s purpose is to hone students’ interest in all aspects of film production. It will provide a direct way for students to submit videos to various film competitions. Monday, 12:55 (Lunch), A-01

Young Conservatives Club 

President – Dillon Kienle 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:The RAHS Young Conservatives Club empowers students who appreciate traditional conservative values, liberty, patriotism, the free market, and freedom. The RAHS Young Conservatives Club’s goal is to educate our community and district on these traditional values our country was built upon. Every other Tuesday unless otherwise stated in Mr. Miller’s room (D-6). First meeting date TBD

RAHS Classic Car Club 

President – Dillon Kienle 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:The RAHS Classic Car Club brings together students who own and/or appreciate classic cars. The RAHS Classic Car Club will organize and attend classic car events within our community. The classic car club is open to anyone who appreciates older vehicles. P-7 (form said P-8). Mr. Kenyon’s Room. Every/other Wednesday. First meeting TBD

Go Green Club 

President – Fatema Adel and Khadija Adel 


Contact:[email protected], [email protected] 


Description:Our goal is to make our community a healthier and safer place. We plan on having an event once a month associated with organizations in our community to participate in activities such as tree planting and neighborhood or river cleanups. Mondays at lunch in room B13

Creative Writing Club 

President-Zoey Wang 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:A club in which the members share tricks and tips pertaining to writing, make writing friends, and get peer review about their writing! Monday, Lunch, A-08

Korean Club

President-Elizabeth Choi 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:We plan to spread knowledge about any recent Korean news and Korean culture. We hope to also help the Korean school during Saturdays like cleaning the school or tutoring the children. every other tuesday, during lunch, room A5

Christian Club 

President- Julia Hayes 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:A time once a week to gather in community to learn more about Jesus and to build friendships centered on Christ. Anyone is welcome to listen, learn, and have fun! Tuesdays at lunch in Mr Casazza’s room (C15)

History Day Club  

President-Kaser Winn 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description: The History Day Club is an organization with a focus on having students from Rio Americano enter the National History Day contest. The club will provide students the opportunity to collaborate with peers on projects around a central theme and submit a project to National History Day as an individual or a group. The projects vary from historical papers, documentaries, exhibits, websites to performances. Most any student can express themselves in one of these categories. The submission of a project is the students responsibility but the club is meant to provide a collaborative setting for students to look for help, peer review and ideas. Also, the club will help students stay on a timeline for the submission deadline. Once a month in room C14 from September to November and twice a month starting in December through February. March 12th is the Sac County History Day Competition. 

Medical Opportunities Club  

President-Kaser Winn 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Medical Opportunities club allows students to learn about the different career paths in the medical field. We meet with different medical professionals every month to hear about their journey, ask questions, and learn from their actions. Once a month on Friday during lunch in room D-05 and as one zoom meeting a month

HOSA Club  

President-Kaser Winn


Contact: [email protected] 


Description:Our HOSA chapter has a goal to create and promote opportunities in the healthcare field. We are involved in community service and leadership development activities surrounding the field of medicine. Twice a month, after school, room P10

SAVE Promise  

President- Tanner Schinderle 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:SAVE Promise is an outgrowth of Sandy Hook Promise Foundation which focuses on gun violence awareness. Through education and fundraising, we hope to help support communities affected by gun violence. bi-weekly meetings, Tuesdays at lunch A-2

Kicks 4 Keeps Club 

President- Tanner Schinderle 


Contact:[email protected]


Description:This club holds drives to collect shoes to donate. Our donations are sent domestically and internationally to those unable to afford shoes otherwise. We hope to raise upwards of 1,000 pairs of shoes this year! Wednesday, A-2 at Lunch

Outdoor Club  

President-Clara Swanson 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:We love the outdoors and are here to encourage outdoor exploration and conservation! We will do monthly activities including hiking, paddle boarding, bouldering, skiing, and river clean-ups. First Friday of every month at lunch in Mr. Asher’s room (B-2)

Speech and Debate  

President-Surina Naran and Tanner Schinderle 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Speech and Debate is an academic club dedicated to helping students practice public speaking and argumentation. Club participants can learn different types of debates and compete in competitions if they choose to do so. Thursday 7-9 pm in A-2

Mock trial 

President-Surina Naran 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Mock trial teaches kids leadership and speaking skills. The team competes against other schools in a mock trial setting after receiving a case packet. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 in A-2


Anonymous writers 

President- Bobbie martin 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Within the club we give each member an anonymous partner, that they will exchange writing with in order to peer edit, and just read writing. There will be multiple topics given out each week that people can write about, and have their partners present their writing for them. I-1 every Tuesday at lunch. 

Poetry Club  

President-Ariana Baratzadeh


Contact: [email protected]


Description:A Poetry Club where we can express our creative writing through sharing and analyzing poetry while inspiring one another Every Tuesday during lunch (12:52) in A3

Jew Crew  

President-Ava Fahn and Esti 


Contact:[email protected] and [email protected] 


Description:The Jew Crew is a place for Jewish students to get together at Rio and celebrate our culture. It is also a place for non-Jewish students to learn about Judaism and Jewish customs and tradition. A few Tuesdays a month at lunch in Seibel’s room (A2) 

Rowdy Raiders  

President-Zoey Ott 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:Leads student sections at games, creates themes and brings school spirit to school-related events. Rowdy Raiders also let the student body know about upcoming sporting events through posts and announcements. Wednesdays at lunch, once a month. Meetings are held in Ms. Navas’ room.

Youth Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA)  

President-Josh Margolis 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:The purpose of the club is to discuss and learn about left-politics and to participate in activism. I YDSA is the student branch of the national political organization Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Wednesday, lunch, I6 (Bearson’s room)

Asian Student Union Alex Pham  



Contact:[email protected] and [email protected] 


Description:The Asian Student Union is a group designed to create a community for Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans at Rio Americano highschool. The ASU provides a place to explore and share the various asian cultures, heritages, and identities. The ASU promotes education and speech about ongoing Asian American issues, and seeks to empower and support students to contribute to the school community. Last but not least, the ASU holds fundraisers to donate money to organizations fighting poverty in Asia. Wednesdays at lunch in I-2



Crochet Club  

President-Naomi Pai and Anna Wilson


Contact:[email protected], [email protected]


Description:This will be a club open to anyone who wants to learn how to crochet or people who already know how to crochet. We will provide new patterns, some yarn, and crochet hooks to beginners. 1st and 3rd of Wednesday during Lunch at D10

Speech and Debate  

President-Surina Naran and Tanner Schinderle 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:This club is super chill, and if you can’t make it to a meeting, that’s alright– just come when you can! Thursdays, 7-9

Spikeball Club  

President-Bizzie Lynch 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:We will be playing spikeball tournaments probably once a month. They will be at lunch and we will have prizes. October 20th at lunch in navas room

Black Student Union  

President-Callie M Johnson 


Contact:[email protected] 


Description:BSU is a safe space for black students, POC, and allies to speak freely about conflicts and problems on campus which concern our community. It is also a space for positive reinforcement, validation, and positive conversation. Every Friday at Lunch in room I-4

The Hiking Club 

President- Lauren McQuoid 


Contact:[email protected]

Description:We will go on hikes on weekends once a month.